The Embrace Collective is a health promotion charity with a vision for a world where young people are free from feelings of pressure, judgement and shame about their bodies.


quick start



We are so glad you’re here. Just to set the tone from the outset – this is a guilt-free zone. There are no “shoulds” or shame here. We’re all doing our best (us included).

There’s no doubt about it, building a more positive body image in our kids can feel completely overwhelming. We’re here to make life easier with a range of resources.

Everything you need to know... in 5 min

Our top tips to build better body image in under five minutes

Epic dad and comedian Nazeem Hussain hosts the Embrace Kids Parent Masterclass

The Embrace magazine

From a team of local heroes and global changemakers to you.

In this brand new magazine, you will feel a personal high-five, fist bump and warm hug all at once, while you take a ride through parenthood alongside a community of like-minded parents. Great to pick up, hard to put down, and easy to share with your mother-in-law!

All proceeds from the Embrace magazine go directly to The Embrace Collective, so we can keep empowering parents and young people alike to embrace their bodies, now and for generations to come. 

How to help kids feel good about their bodies


This free downloadable guide for parents and caregivers covers the basics of helping kids build better body image, 

featuring five easy strategies to help them embrace their bodies.



Five things you can start with right now

Share Body Blocks by Embrace Kids with your child’s early learning centre

Share the Embrace Kids Classroom Program with your child’s school

Share the Activate by Embrace Kids resources with your child’s sporting club or dance studio
See our Start Living Campaign and flip the script
Sign up to hear more from us

More for families

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Building better body image in sport

if you are a parent of kids in community sport, check out the Activate playbook, and take it to your club!

Embrace Kids documentary

EMBRACE KIDS is an uplifting film by Taryn Brumfitt, which brings together a vibrant collection of stories from young people and famous friends alike, who share their experiences about body image, bullying, gender identity, advocacy, representation and more.

Embrace documentary


Embrace Your Body podcast

In this podcast series, global change maker Taryn Brumfitt and leading body image expert, Dr Zali Yager come together to talk through the practical strategies that parents need to know to help their kids feel better about their bodies – what to say, what to do, and how to feel better about doing it.

Taryn reads ‘Embrace Your Body!'

Bring ‘Embrace Your Body’, by 2023 Australian of the Year, Taryn Brumfitt to your classroom with this virtual reading.

Body Blocks book list

Want to stock your shelves with age appropriate picture story books that build better body image? Here’s your list!

Learn more from our experts

AI-generated images: How we can protect our kids from the threats of perfection 

The traffic light system is detrimental to young bodies (and minds)

Three sets of hands stacked on top of each other, with adult and child hands layered together, representing three generations.

Unpacking fatphobia and how to avoid passing it onto your kids


Sign up today to make sure you get all of our body image programs and resources delivered to your inbox for free.


The Embrace Collective is a health promotion charity with a vision for a world where young people are free from feelings of pressure, judgement and shame about their bodies.


We are glad you’re here!
To start off, select your relationship to children, and we’ll take you somewhere full of tailored resources.


Engaging, inspiring tools to help you help the young people around you to Embrace!


Join us on our mission to help the world to Embrace!
