The Embrace Collective is a health promotion charity with a vision for a world where young people are free from feelings of pressure, judgement and shame about their bodies.

Child Safety


The Embrace Collective focuses on improving body appreciation and reducing stigma, judgement and discrimination on the basis of appearance, in turn minimising sociocultural risk factors for body dissatisfaction and promoting protective factors. Programs in early years settings, schools, community events, sports organisations and online programs for adults responsible for children to help people of all ages learn the importance of moving, fueling, appreciating and being kind to their bodies. The Embrace Collective is committed to bringing this message to children and young people in child safe environments. 

We are committed to promoting and protecting the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people who participate in events and activities through The Embrace Collective. All children and young people, regardless of their gender, race, religious beliefs, age, disability, sexual orientation, or family or social background, have the right to feel safe and be free from any harm or abuse. The Embrace Collective seeks to empower children and young people and foster a culturally safe environment where they can feel safe and welcome.

The Embrace Collective supports the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework and implements the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. 

As part of The Embrace Collective’s commitment to the safety of children and young people, The Embrace Collective: 

  • has zero tolerance for child abuse.   

  • will seek to provide an environment in which all children and young people feel safe, supported and respected.    

  • will ensure that all children and young people feel welcome and can participate in activities and programs by recognising and taking into account their diverse needs and celebrating the uniqueness of each other and themselves. 

  • will seek to empower children and young people through education programs and activities that build confidence and encourage them to create change in school, sport, peer and online settings. 

  • takes seriously all concerns or allegations raised in relation to child abuse or any other inappropriate behaviour towards a child or young person and will ensure it is responded to following our policies, procedures and relevant legislation including reporting to the police all instances in which a breach of the law has or may have occurred. 

  • are committed to regularly training and educating all executive directors, staff, program facilitators and volunteers on their child safe responsibilities, and ensure Child-Related Personnel are aware of and implement the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, TEC Risk Management strategy and relevant legislation relating to working with children checks, and the reporting of suspected child abuse or neglect.


You can view our full Child Safety Policy here.

Feedback and Complaints
The voices of children and young people are important to us and we want children and young people to be safe and feel safe. 
The Embrace Collective welcomes all feedback and/or complaints from children and young people, families, educators, event partners, community groups, and the public. We take all information seriously and endeavour to respond and address concerns in a fair and timely manner. 
To give feedback, raise a concern or make a complaint please contact The Embrace Collective’s Child Safety Officer by emailing hello@theembracecollective.org and include “For attention Child Safety Officer” in the title.


It looks like you’re outside of Australia. For more relevant information, head to: embracekidsglobal.com


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The Embrace Collective is a health promotion charity with a vision for a world where young people are free from feelings of pressure, judgement and shame about their bodies.


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