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The Embrace Collective is a health promotion charity with a vision for a world where young people are free from feelings of pressure, judgement and shame about their bodies.



Embrace Kids Classroom Program


Embrace Kids classroom program


The Embrace Kids Classroom Program is an evidence-based, modular resource for teachers to use in their Health and Physical Education, or Wellbeing Program.
Targeted at Years 5-6 and 7-8, the program aligns to the Australian Curriculum and includes five lessons that begin with a section of the EMBRACE KIDS film (rated G), edited for the classroom setting. Each film module is supported by activities and worksheets that are informed by evidence regarding effective health promotion and health education practice so you can guide your students with confidence.
Enter your details below to receive this free program, delivered straight to your inbox!

Teacher Masterclass

Understand body image issues among students of all ages and get practical strategies to support their wellbeing.

This 20-minute video that you can watch on your own or play in your staff meeting gives teachers practical advice and actionable strategies about what to do and say to your students in relation to bodies, food and weight. And it’s not just for HPE teachers or wellbeing coordinators either – this is an issue that goes across all KLAs, as bullying and body shaming comments can happen in any classroom.

By watching, you’ll gain: expert knowledge, actionable strategies, real stories

What do you get in the Embrace Kids Teacher Masterclass?

  • Full masterclass
  • Teacher handout
  • Certificate

Watch the Teacher Masterclass (18:26min)

Suporting resources


Supporting resources

Size:​3.2 MB

Letter for school leadership

Need to tell the exec team about the Embrace Kids resources? This document introduces the Embrace Kids world to those who need to know about it.
Size:​3.2 MB

Creating Safe School Environments for All Bodies

This document summarises all of the evidence-based recommendations for curriculum and programming activities, with details of what to include, and what to avoid. Use this to support reviews of your programming across all subject areas.
Size:​3.2 MB

Become an Embrace School booklet

Want a summary of everything Embrace Kids has to offer your school? This is it!

Sign up today to make sure you get all of our body image programs and resources delivered to your inbox for free.


The Embrace Collective is a health promotion charity with a vision for a world where young people are free from feelings of pressure, judgement and shame about their bodies.


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Engaging, inspiring tools to help you help the young people around you to Embrace!


Join us on our mission to help the world to Embrace!
