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Embrace Kids live @ Bounce           Embrace Kids live @ Bounce


The Embrace Collective is a health promotion charity with a vision for a world where young people are free from feelings of pressure, judgement and shame about their bodies.

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When we were younger, diets were on the front page of magazines. After 20 years of researchers and …
I literally cheered at my TV last night while watching Grey’s Anatomy (Yes, it’s my favourite show, yes, …
Despite being a body image researcher, I was not prepared for my kids to start saying the word …
The majority of women – up to 90%- and many men would like to change something about the …
Picture this – your child walks in on you trying on a new outfit in the mirror- you …
There’s a new Barbie movie coming (in 2023)…Cue panic by all of the parents who know that their …
Many of us know that sinking feeling when your adolescent daughter makes that comment or says that thing …
Ever worried about the way you look in your swimwear? You certainly are not alone. Shopping for new …

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The Embrace Collective is a health promotion charity with a vision for a world where young people are free from feelings of pressure, judgement and shame about their bodies.


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