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Embrace your Body podcast

In this podcast series, global change maker Taryn Brumfitt and leading body image expert, Dr Zali Yager come together to talk through the practical strategies that parents need to know to help their kids feel better about their bodies – what to say, what to do, and how to feel better about doing it.
Warning: This podcast is raw and real and may contain embarrassing stories…
no one is perfect – and we don’t try to be either.
Choose if you prefer to watch or listen, we made both options for you!

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Episode 1

In this episode, we learn more about our hosts, Taryn Brumfitt and Dr Zali Yager – who they are and why they are here…

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Episode 2

In this episode we talk about using the ‘F’ Word (fat), and why it’s ok to say it, as well as the things we need to stop saying about our bodies… 

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Episode 3

In this episode, we also talk about inclusion and representation of people of all expressions of gender, all shapes and sizes…

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Episode 4

In this episode, we talk through the science behind #bekind, and how you can learn to respond to yourself with self compassion…

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Episode 5

In this episode we talk through the science and the stories behind the importance of remembering that our bodies do…

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Episode 6

In this episode, we dive into the research about the sorts of media and images we were exposed to as kids, and how social media is…

Listen to the podcast at



The Embrace Collective is a health promotion charity with a vision for a world where young people are free from feelings of pressure, judgement and shame about their bodies.


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